Friday, 31 July 2015

Introduction : PART 1

       There are lots of question rising in your mind that, what exactly is BeagleBone Black (BBB) ?
But before jumping to BBB you need to understand some facts and concepts.You might have gone through the many development board like boards designed for controller/processor like 8051, 8085, 80386, PIC controller boards, Atmel controller boards, etc. Some boards are given name as well like Ardino Boards. 
            As soon as technology is changing, the way of excessing the processor/controller is also changing. Enhancement in VLSI sector is now producing very highly capable SoC that can perform various tasks in one go. These chips has reduced the time, enhanced the productivity as well as due to multi-stage pipe-line, processing also become fast.

So if you are new to embedded domain then its a suggestion that you must have to be aware of at least 8051 controller and 8085 processor. This series of tutorial will be covering the way to deal with advanced processor that is far beyond 8-bit one, but still it is valuable if you have the knowledge of 8-bit.
                           In industry, either 8-bit processor/controller is famous or 32-bit. Its very rare that you will find the 16 bit controller/processor. Industry is based on the 32 bit processors, as they want speed with accuracy.

The king of 32 bit processor is ARM architecture. Many people is having illusion that ARM is building the ARM series processor, but the fact is that, ARM is designing the architecture. These architecture is then purchased by different SoC manufacturer like Freescale, Atmel etc.   

In next Introduction will see some difference in 8-bit and 32-bit and the evolution boards that are available for working for 32-bit processor. Also we will talk about OS, RTOS, Firmware, Bootloader, Toolchain,Compiling, Cross Compiles, IDE, BSP etc. There are lot of things to discuss. 

To Be Continue.....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Raj.. The info was very useful and informative



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