Sunday, 29 September 2013

Here are two program that is opening the two file in the two different process in two different window. Both the process are communicating with each other. Signal concept is used, with pause() signal. Both programs are accessing the same file and interchanging the Process ID. For executing this program, in a directory save these two program with ".c" extension. Along with it make a file name "test.txt" by writing following commands.

# or $(*already present) cat > test.txt
(then press ctrl+D).

this will create empty file with name test of extension txt.(text).
/* Program 1
 process1.c */

/* Program to generate the process ID and write it on file and communicate with other process*/
/* Programmer : Raj Prajapati */

const int buff=100;
void abc();
int main()
int pid,fd,pid2,i;
char data[100];
printf("\n Process 1 Running ");
Many programmers are moving towards the world's  best operating system LINUX. Actually the Linux
is derived from the Unix. Basically the Unix was invented in year 1969 and written in the assembly code.
All the steps written here are performed first before explaining.
After  the research done by Denis Ritchie in year 1973, programming code for UNIX is rewritten in C language. Now, without asking you to wait, I am explaining you all the myths related to LINUX installation, individually, as well as in dual boot option with Windows 7.

RED HAT LINUX with Windows ,With Dual Boot :-

Particularly, this Installation guidelines are for RED HAT 6 (server Edition). Process for the Linux Installation is same for all.
Note: Windows and Linux, both will have to test the same component on the system at the time of booting. Windows has NTLDR and Linux has GRUB, GRUB is much more Strong then the Windows NTLDR, while doing dual boot, Linux GRUB replaces the NTLDR in the Windows. Hence when you will remove the Linux , your bootable file (GRUB) will get delete and Windows NTLDR is already deleted, So your system may not start. In this case Re install your Windows Operating system, better to have Operating system CD/DVD with you or make the Recovery Disk, But recovery disk will delete your all data.
Think twice Before making Your System Dual BOOT.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Oscillators with ATmega16 microcontroller

There are variety of micro-controllers present now a days. Development in VLSI technology enhance the performance of the many micro-controller. 8051 is the Basic micro-controller. Due to some deficiency in its structure, necessity for better device increased. With advancement, requirement of more and more facility increased and give rises to the many new microcontrollers in 8-bit family.
ATmega16 is the 8 bit micro-controller. This micro-controller is having such features that ask a good hardware and embedded program to switch to it. The architecture is much more advance and efficient for the fast processing. With 16MHz crystal oscillator, it can read 16 Million Instruction Per Second i.e. 16 MIPS and can read 8 Million Instruction Per Second at inbuilt.

While programming the Atmega16 you need to change the fuse bit. A very good flexible feature in microcontroller.

WAY 1:- With SinaProg

Here is a figure given below, when you are working with sinaprog ,then in Devices select Atmega16.
After that go to fuses, as shown below.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Advance LPG Gas Detector and Auto Booking System for Domestic and Commercial  Use (Electronics project)...

Advancement in the technologies have given us a safer and calm living of standard. Development in the different type of sensors that are easily available in market made the electronic research work more efficient, cheap and accurate.
                    LPG stands for Liquefied Petroleum Gas, scientifically well know as Butane or Propane (hydrocarbons), which is very highly combustible Gas. It is use as Fuel in Domestic field and in Industry fields also.
Basically LPG is use in Domestic field for cooking. There may occur hazard with such a Highly Combustible gas mostly due to leaking of this gas. If this leaked gas comes in contact with small part of fire also the it will become BOMB.
Here a advanced system is used where a Sensor Detect  leaking of LPG . This Sensor generates the Analog value which is then processed to the Microcontroller for further Processing.
In case of Gas leaking , exhaust fan will start automatically and will require manual reset so that all the leaked gas can be send outside the home and simultaneously Owner will receive the message of this miss-happening.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

To generate nPr (PERMUTATION)

Posted by Unknown On 10:31 | No comments

/* Program to generate Permutation (nPr) */

/* Here we will be generating the Permutation. We are taking the the n and r as a input from the user and will generate the desire output. */

/* Program to calculate Permutation nPr */

//Header File

int fact(int);
int main()
int  a,b,n,r;
cout<<"\n Enter the value of n : ";

Swapping Program With function

Posted by Unknown On 10:24 | No comments

/* Program to SWAP two variable without using THIRD variable in C++ (with function) */ 

/*In this program will will not use third variable to swap the the variable but we will be using the operator to do so. Here we will be using a swap function to swap the value but it will be done by using call by reference.*/

/* Program to swap the value without using the third variable*/

//Header File
void swap(int &a,int &b);
int main()
int a,b;
cout<<"\n Enter First No:- ";
cout<<"\n Enter Second No:- ";

Swapping Program Without function

Posted by Unknown On 10:20 | No comments

/* Program to SWAP two variable without using THIRD variable in C++ (without function) */ 

/*In this program will will not use third variable to swap the the variable but we will be using the operator to do so*/

//Header file
int main()
int a,b;
cout<<"\n Enter First No:- ";
cout<<"\n Enter Second No:- ";


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